Mental Health

IMG_0448.JPG''I love Varna because I never feel alone. There are lots of friendly people here to help you!''


At Varna Community Primary School, we take the Mental Health of our pupils, staff and parents and carers seriously. On this page, you will find links to services for parents/carers to seek support for mental health. Some of these services are for parents/carers and some are for pupils. All of these services are also displayed around the school.

Government wellbeing guidance: click here

Top tips for Wellbeing from Dr Alex George click here

5 Ways to Wellbeing

At Varna we follow the 5 ways to wellbeing to help us focus on our physical and mental health and wellbeing. We have a weekly focus and regularly set challenges and activities for children and staff to support their physical,emotional and mental health.


Children's Mental Health Week (5th-11th February 2024)

This year's theme was 'My Voice Matters'. At Varna we kicked the week off with our Monday morning assembly being about what mental health is, why it is important and shared ideas of things we can do to help. 

Throughout the week the children's PSHE lessons were all about mental health and the voice of the child. Children had the opportunity to share with their class and learn more about each other. The school council presented to their class each day one of the 5 steps to wellbeing:

This week we are continuing to focus on The 5 steps to wellbeing.

On Friday we ended the week with a non-uniform day. Children and staff were encouraged to wear clothes and colours that made them happy. In the Friday achievement assembly the school choir performed 'Sing' nby Gary Barlow. We were blown away with their beuatiful voices and their confidence when performing! 

In class everyone had the chance to share something they are proud of. Have a look at some of the things children were proud of in the video below:


Website Links for further Support: 




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